The Northern Passage 2010

This summer, Borge Ousland is going to attempt to pull off the feat of circumnavigating the Arctic Ocean by successively taking the North-East and the North-West passages. He will be sailing with a skipper aboard a light trimaran, a Corsair 31, and will be accompanied by a Russian for the NE passage and probably by a Frenchman for the NW passage.


Below are all the news we published about the The Northern Passage 2010 expedition

  • They have done it !

    Published on 22.10.2010

    Børge Ousland and his shipmates finally made it back to Norway on 20 October. As homecoming celebrations are to be held at the Fram Museum/Oslo on this Saturday (23 October), we'll know more about the last days of this adventure plus a recap next week.

  • Ousland : nearly back to Oslo

    Published on 17.10.2010

    After more than three months of sailing around the Arctic Ocean, Børge Ousland and his shipmates are nearly back to their home harbour. Together with russian yacht Peter Ist, they have turned this adventure into an historic feat...

  • Playing with the winds…

    Published on 12.10.2010

    Børge Ousland and his shipmates have sailed north of the Faroe islands. They are now starting the descent towards the Shetlands Archipelago and the west coast of Norway. Everything is fine on board.

  • On the Assault of the Atlantic

    Published on 06.10.2010

    Although Borge Ousland has made it now through the most difficult parts of his circumnavigation, he still has to face the North Atlantic Ocean -together with his two companions. And in this time of the year this is far by being a smooth sailing...

  • Summer 2010 : a turning point in Arctic history

    Published on 27.09.2010

    This summer of 2010 will have marked the history of the Arctic regions’ environment: for the first time indeed, two boats will have succeeded in going round the Arctic Ocean in a single season, without being blocked or trapped by the ice.

  • The most perilous part of the voyage is over

    Published on 25.09.2010

    Børge Ousland is almost through with the most perilous part of his voyage. He still has to face icebergs coming from Greenland's glaciers and the crossing of a raging ocean.

  • Through History and Ices

    Published on 22.09.2010

    Ousland and his cronies are sailing into what was to be the most perilous part of the voyage. But the danger was not entirely real.

  • Ousland : In Cambridge Bay

    Published on 17.09.2010

    Børge Ousland and his shipmates have arrived in Cambridge Bay at 14 UTC on the 16 September. Friends were there, the new forestay wasn't.

  • Ousland : “We are a very minimalistic Expedition…”

    Published on 16.09.2010

    It's quite interesting to listen to what famous Børge Ousland says during this Arctic circumnavigation. The great difference with his other expeditions concerns the fact that for once he has more time to write and even more time to think... What else can you do during a four hour watch ?

  • Ousland : A call for an experienced sailor

    Published on 16.09.2010

    Few days ago, Borge Ousland has called for an experienced sailor who could join his shipmates for his upcoming crossing of the Atlantic Ocean.

  • When in Point Barrow, Inuits said…

    Published on 15.09.2010

    When expedition stopped in Point Barrow, Borge had the time to meet the local people and of course to talk about the global climate. No need to say that ...

  • Sailing due East on the Beaufort Sea

    Published on 12.09.2010

    Trimaran 'The Northern Passage' is now sailing in the Beaufort Sea. It should reach Cambridge Bay in a few days. For the moment, as they say, "Our multihull is a happy ship". This means crew encounters good weather conditions and finally the winds have turned out perfect for them.

  • The weather day by day

    Published on 11.09.2010

    When following the polar expeditions one has seldom the opportunity to write in detail about the weather and its implications for the unfolding of the related adventures. For Ousland's Arctic circumnavigation, it's different. Almost every day, there is a special part of the blog dedicated to the weather. Belgian meteorologist Marc de Keyser is taking care of the weather forecast.

  • Welcome to America : a new start for Borge

    Published on 07.09.2010

    Borge Ousland and his shipmates are now through with the Northeast Passage. After 74 days of sailing off the Siberian coast, team has arrived safely at Point Barrow, Alaska, last sunday evening. Men and trimaran are tired. But the adventure goes on.

  • They have passed their first ices

    Published on 24.08.2010

    Borge Ousland and his two shipmates have just successfully negotiated their first crossing of ice-barrier. Everything was on their side: a good meteorologist, good glaciologists and an excellent trimaran!

  • Where Ancestors Have Gone Before

    Published on 13.08.2010

    Borge and his two shipmates have just crossed 90 degrees longitude East.They’re sailing along the Tamir coast and are going to encounter places that some of their famous predecessors have made legendary.

  • First encounter with ice

    Published on 06.08.2010

    After going through the Strait of Yugorsky and leaving Europe behind them, the three sailors are now sailing on the open Kara Sea. They have just encountered their first pack ice debris. Everything on board is OK.

  • The adventure has started

    Published on 02.08.2010

    After a brief week of administrative delay in the first Russian port, Murmansk, the three navigators have taken to the sea in order to head east. The great adventure has started…

  • Heading East

    Published on 21.07.2010

    After a technical halt of a few days in order to put the finishing touches to the preparations, Borge Ousland and his crew have set out again towards the great North-East Passage adventure.

  • The Great Adventure Dawns

    Published on 14.07.2010

    Borge Ousland has finished with his coastal tourism along the west coast of Norway. He’s preparing these days to plunge into the great adventure and the great veer towards the east…

  • Homage On The Way

    Published on 09.07.2010

    On his journey north, Borge and his two shipmates have made a stopover in the famous Port of Tromsø. A question of making some repairs to the trimaran and of paying homage to some celebrities who were lost at sea.

  • Some Pleasant Coastal Shipping

    Published on 28.06.2010

    Borge Ousland left Oslo on 23 June to undertake his great adventure of circumnavigating the Arctic pack ice (or what's left of it during the summer). For the moment, he's doing some coastal shipping along the west coast of Norway. And everything on board is OK.

  • Borge and Thorleif ready to cast off

    Published on 24.06.2010

    We've just received confirmation: Borge Ousland's Northern Passage - 2010 expedition will in fact be taking place.

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